Bikur Cholim at Holy Name Medical Center:
Bikur Cholim of Teaneck, established in 2004, is a volunteer organization of men and women who visit the Jewish patients at Holy Name Hospital daily.
Amenities and services:
- We maintain a Kosher Lounge on the lobby level of the hospital for patient’s families. The room is supplied with snacks by Bikur Cholim of Rockland County and has milchig and fleishig microwaves, a refrigerator, warming oven, hot water urn, and seating. Food may be left in the refrigerator, but it must be labeled with the patient’s name, room number, and the date. After 48 hours It will be disposed of.
- Also available in the Kosher Lounge are a pair of tefillin, and chumashim, siddurim, and machzorim, as well as other seforim and Judaica titles.
- Patient food is provided by Diplomat Caterers. Meals are Glatt Kosher under the supervision of the Orthodox Union and CRC.
- Kosher food is available for purchase by guests in the cafeteria on the first floor (salads, pastries, and sandwiches). Catered by Diplomat Caterers.
- A Shabbos kit is distributed on Thursdays, when patients request it from their nurse or BC volunteer. It contains basics such as grape juice, besamim, and battery-operated votive candles.
- For Shabbos sleeping accommodations, speak to a BC volunteer or call Adeena at the number below.
- One of the Oak Elevators is a weekly Shabbos elevator. It stops on each floor from the lobby to the 6th floor and is clearly marked with a plaque.
- Various services are conducted by local community members for Chagim. These include: shofar blowing, megilla reading, and Chanuka candle lighting, broadcast through the closed circuit TV. A Sukkah is located on the patio outside the lobby level.
- Neighbors are available to help with various personal arrangements as needed, particularly for Shabbat and Chagim.
- Additional Chessed can be provided. A Jewish chaplain visits once a week, and community Rabbis can be contacted as needed.
Bikur Cholim Contacts:
Arlene Eis 201-836-4950
Adeena at 917-538-5878
Holy Name Hospital Contact:
Debbie Ross, RN, 201-833-7114